Saturday, December 31, 2011

ChitChat 2

woww. gediknye nak buat 2posts in a day :P

angin bayu menghembus rindu,
didalam jiwa rasa sendu,
kepada semua selamat tahun baru,
buang yg keruh ambil yg jernih :) #okbye!

opera house captured from milson point p.o.v
*buruk i know, i dont care kehkehkeh

really wish to go back. iA jika ade rezeki, i will certainly go back ;) and my backpacker mood is ON again. i'll definitely go somewhere this year ;DDD iA.
im just planning but He plans better..

p/s: jgn lupe tajdid niat kita, semuanya kerana Dia :D

pantun tak siap sbb rushing. i hve to pack and finish it by tonite!
pagi esok nak gerak dah -_-".. tahun baru pun last minute punyer keje lagi >;( arghhh


post ini bertarikh 22Dec2011 sebenarnya..

gambau hiasan hehe
sunset kat tazzy dulu :')

Have you ever feel like Allah is talking to you? bet you did ;)

The thing that im experiencing right now is somewhat too close to me. He is so close. Way too close. dan sebenarnya Dia mmg terlalu dekat bahkan lebih dekat dari urat leher kita..Allahuakbar..

the story about Allah is ‘talking’ to me happens after KIBAR. Frankly speaking, KIBAR is an eye opening for me. But somehow, the reality that thing is not gonna be easy and not gonna be the same is making me a little bit 'ehemmm', if i must say - pls forgive me. i had lots and tonnes of thinking! Astaghfirullah, i know, i know it’s embarassing for me to feel that way – depressed over nothing. It’s wrong for me to feel that way but after taking quite some time to prepare in OZ a few months back, i dont feel like im ready, yet, still. Lalu, setiba dirumah selepas maghrib, ku buka Al-Quran pink ku, randomly..

the first ayat yg pop out is:

Mereka rela bersama org2 yg tidak pergi berperang, dan hati mereka telah tertutup sehingga mereka tidak memahami (kebahagiaan beriman dan berjihad) 9:87

Ya Allah, betapa Allah Maha mendengar setiap keluh kesah hambaNya..Ak rasa malu..malu amat. Terang lagi bersuluh kalau this is the path to His Jannah and why am i here, still thinking, confusing myself over which way to choose? WHY?

owhh, i have the answers to that question.. i think i wont be capable, i dont think that i would have the guts to stay put in this path and i know that i am too weak..

and suddenly..

Sometimes I do feel that I am not worthy of the position that I hold now. But, I ask Allah to give me strength that I may make myself worthy.

Shaytan will continue to say, “Just quit! Who do you think you are? You’re not good enough to do this.”

But I will tell him, “O mortal enemy, I’ll prove you wrong! Bring it on!!!” – aiman azlan

and now, i realise that im just making excuses.. EXCUSES are worth nothing NOTHING.

p/s: Ya Allah, tsabatkan ak dijalanMu..

Allahumma ya muqallibal qulub, tsabbit qalbi a'la deenik.

Dont worry, i'll be okay. i am strong :)

since this is actually a long-time-ago post, im fine now, not anymore in a shock-after-kibar mode heheh #imfreshie. made this post just in case i ever feel like turning back. nauzubillah.

let's be strong together friends :DDD

yeahh azam tahun baru, perhaps??

im trying to finish just toooo many books right now. blup blup

owhh, ramainya dah bertunang, anda bila lagi?

Friday, December 23, 2011

move out


dewasa ini, kita melakukan perubahan, kita berpindah.
lalu, ak juga mahu berpindah ;)

patut ke pindah ke wordpress :P
because, ade snow2 turun skarang kat situ,
and yeah ade protected post! kehkehkehe
interesting ;D

p/s: if i happened to hve A reader

Wednesday, December 7, 2011



everything went smoothly ;)
shipping thingy and everything, for the time being.
super glad. Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.

super short post.
super excited and super nervous for tmrw and tmrw and tmwr.

relationship is not meant to be up all the time. it's the down time. Alhamdulillah, Allah reminds and teaches me sth.

Awesome hablumminallah leads to a better hablumminannas <3

Monday, December 5, 2011


terngiang-ngiang lagu ghuraba sejak dari hari tu..

Ya Allah, betapa ak merasai perasaan itu sejak smpai.
asing, rupa2nya ak telah menjadi asing dibumi sendiri..
sedih, sbb rupa2nya kita dah berbeza, kita dah berubah.
mungkin bukan kita, tp ak....

ipod: lagu ape yg kau dgr tu?
laptop: ape blog yg kau bukak tu??
buku: buku ape tuu?
bile sembang: ap yg kau cakap nie?

soalan2 yg kau tanya dalam hati...........ak tau.
ak xde jawapan, hanya mampu terdiam, mungkin sikit lagi kau paham. #crossfingers


baru 3 hari. baru 3 hari.
tp betul, ak rindukan baitul itu. baitul yg sentiasa berseri, terisi dgn bait indah kalamNya, alunan shabat2 yg sentiasa mengingatkan.

baru 3 hari, tiba2 terasa kontang sudah..
argghhh stress. mungkin terlupe realiti hidup kat sini.
kerisauan telah menjadi. dah terjadi.
takutttttt T.T
tolong ingtkan ak selalu..
tarik ak cepat2 sebelum ak jatuh balek T____________T
sementara semangat yg ak bawa pulang dari OZ masih terkibar membara nie, cepatlah grab and grip me!
ak yg lemah....

p/s: jumaat mlm touchdown, sabtu tghari pegi kedah, ahad tghri balek rumah. rehat total hari ini. esok iA amek barang shipping. im physically exhausted somehow.

tenangkan ak. tenangkan ak. kuatkan ak sahabat.

semalam birthday kau kan..Hepi birthday! semoga terus kuat maju dan tersabat:DDD

tolong, ak bebetul taknak tgok ombak rindu tu esp kat wayang...pls. pls. T____T jgn buat ak serba salah. confirm xmenyesal xtgok cite tu..dont make me regret by watching it pls. pls.

"dan aku bersumpah demi jiwa yang selalu menyesali (dirinya sendiri)" 75:2


mixed feeling. susah rupanya


Saturday, November 26, 2011


BFG -back for good

for many people, leaving oz would certainly means leaving some good memories, great friends and awesome life behind. after 2 years, there are just too many good things happened. and for some, overseas life is way better than home, tanahair.


some other people experience different things. life in overseas is not as great. looking at how others manage to handle their life well and their problem free look -like-faces are so stressing. forced to fake every smiles..some didnt even get much chance to go for a holiday somewhere else like others do. friends are not anymore friends here. feeling like everything turns upside down. everything is ruined. and BFG is like a moment they're waiting for a lifetime. and the only hope is for life to get back to normal. back to the way it is. just like last time.

coz our fates are different. we're not going to experience the same things. but life are meant to be challenging for everyone. maybe we feel so difficult right now for whatever reasons, but hopefully it'll change. it will certainly change. have faith in Allah. berprasangka baiklah dengan Allah, kerana Dia mengikut prasangka hamba2nya...Allahurabbi..


pls. someone pls buy my TV, fridge, washing machine, tables and all. pls T.T


Then which of the favours of Allah will you deny?

never. never feel less fortunate. coz you nver know what's inside me kehkekehkeh

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


jam 10.30pagi td, ak bergegas keluar rumah dlm keadaan hujan yg 'kononnya-xpayah-pkai-payung' bak kate tika..bergegas ke usrah pkul 11 sbb ak singgah woolies maka kene keluar awal siket.

sebenarnya hujan agak lebat, tp kesukaan akan air hujan tidak menyebabkan ak kisah akan payung.mmg xde pyg dah pun. melihat sume org berpayung, rase lebey OZ girl plak ak. sambil berjalan, ak mendongak melihat langit, membasahkan muka dgn hujan.. subhanallah..sedapnya. seakan terlupe yg malam semalam ak demam -_-".. tup2 bila usrah, syue present hadith 32, pasal kemudaratan. JGN KITA MENCARI PENYAKIT atau membuat mudarat kepada org laen. sentap. sebab ak men hujan. cari demam lgi dan bakal menyusahkan housemate. (tp bile lagikan? dah nak balek punnn)

kenapa ntah usrah farewell tadi sebenarnya ak rasa sayu. ak rasa ak sayu, tp syue berkata "perasan x, syamim aktif semacam hari nie?'... syue, you said that to me almost everytime we had our usrah tau..if only you remember that -_-".. ye, ak suke usrah, jadi kene suke!

lepas usrah, i cancelled my plan to maccent and went to strathfield instead and had a slice of pizza. Strathfield- tempat pizza halal terdekat dari rumah :) eating pizza alone at the train station with the rains accompanied me -- adakah ak terlalu tabah? haaaaa

ended up, went back home from strathfield mengikut jalan ke city. melihat gelagat manusia, city yg bakal ak tinggalkan...belum lagi balik and im missing it already :( sesampai dirumah, pegi swimming pulak ngan iwa & adek2 usrah nisa. setahun ak tinggalkan pool tu..xsangka, kaki ini masih boleh mendayung ewahh :)))

sejak bile luna park nie ade misai??? dulu xde! ini serious @.@


esok nak ship sume brg nie..

hosmet ak nie suke plak bt drama skang ekeke

mata ak dah start panas nie.

brg2, tolong ade org beli :((((

nek, tetibe rindu kat kau. ak malu nak ckp. bolehke Allah smpai kan rasahatiku ini? kui3

8 hari lagiiii


nie patutnya post semalam. tp atas masalah2 teknikal, terpaksa dilewatkan.
memandangkan semalam meninggalkan ak dgn sisa 9 hari lagi di Sydney,
i decided to just do everything for the first and the last time...

tidak semena2,

pertama kali,

menonton bola: Malaysia vs Indonesia
biasalah, kalau bukan passion kita, after 15mins, i decided to go to sleep.
it's 12am anyway ;P

pertama kali juga,

beli ceri! sedapppp! kat paneta murah je $4 sekotak tu.
tgok bola smbil mkn ceri, perempuan sgt uolllsss ekeke

emm. dan dah diap packing iA..
itu gambau 6 kotak je, malu nak tunjuk sbnrnya 8kotak..

selamat pulang ke tanah air Syamim. we are sooo gonna miss you :(


9 hari lagi..
owhh sebenarnya 8 hari lagi.. jap lagi, i'll update what did i do today~ wooo

all these posts are just for me to reminisce things i did - for future reference..

Monday, November 21, 2011


tak sangka! tak sangka! tak sangka!

seusai pertemuan yg agak tidak dirancang bersama kecik sebentar tadi, ak segera bergegas pulang. sedar diri akan ketidak adaan kunci didalam beg tidak menjadi penghalang utk ak terus memacu pantas ke baitul warith. rasanya tidak lagi menjadi rahsia, kami penghuni BW mmg tegar menggunakan garaj sebagai pintu kedua. sekonyong konyong ak terus menyeludup masuk ke garaj, malangnya, pintu rumah dalam garaj juga berkunci. ak jadi resah sebab mmg tidak ada seorang pun antara kami dirumah pada ketika itu.

entah kenapa, secara tiba2, ak menjadi sgt pasrah. redha. tidak mampu utk memikirkan solusi laen melainkan utk berada, bertapa didalam garaj -_-"... lalu ak membuat pnggilan ke kak jen. kak jen yg comel pun berpusu2 melawan arus dicity utk pulang menyelamatkan ak..
selepas2 jam, kak jen tiba. time kaseh kak jen :)))) hanya Allah yg mampu membalas jasa kamu ;))))

rupa2nya, without realising that garage could be so useful before, i know it now, some activities in 2hrs:

-i sleep for 30mins
-manage to read few pages of BMH *a good book after VVU*
-exercise aka berlegar2
-telepon 3care utk hal2 termination 3 account
-amek gambar garaj
-thinking! oyeahhh ;P

depan rumah jiran baitul warith


-pagi tdi menerima berita ttg ayah seorg sahabat. ak risau. sbb ak pernah alaminya. Ya allah, kurniakan sahabatku dan keluarganya kekuatan. Sesungguhnya, Kaulah sebaik2 perancang..

-rasa cemburuku itu, ak campak jauh2 dalam laut. biar tenggelam tidak timbul2. bukan hak ak. *learn from others' experience.*

Rasulullah pernah bersabda,
seorang mukmin tidak boleh jatuh dua kali dalam lubang yg sama..

dah belajar dri org laen, jadi ak belum jatuh, baru tersadung. cuba tak nak jatuh, boleh?

-owhh, ape maksud sekonyong2 eh? bunyi klaka, teringin nak gune ekekek

negative 10 hahaha

10 hari lagi

ehh byk plak no.10 nie

Sunday, November 20, 2011


"Ya Allah, tuhan yg membolak balikkan hati kami, tetapkanlah ketaatan kami hanya kepadaMu"

inner war inside myself. and am still not strong enough to win the fight. counting days (dah boleh guna jari) for BFG, what's gonna happen next? 2 years. sekejap je! rasa macam xbuat ape2. nada, illek, kosooooong T.T bolehke nak rasa menyesal? pointnya disini, im struggling. doakan ak T.T... berdebar.

p/s: -dah habes baca VVU. sentap. xtahu nak cakap macam mana, bacalah. semoga kamu sahabatku faham apa yg ak rasa sekarang.

'agar mencintai seseorg, ia tidak mencintainya kecuali kerana Allah'

-expectation itu tidak diletak pada manusia...krohkrohkroh

Monday, November 7, 2011


Hari tu, i cant help myself to watch matlutfhi's vid over and over again..
about MASALAH.
he had brought me to thinking, "gelabah ke aku kalau hantar esaimen lambat?" #okbye

in a semester, there are gonna be at least 2big waves of major esaimen.
and it's the time when everyone's gone mad, weng and
and as a Macquarie Uni student, that's what i treasure the most in my 2years life here (kehkeh)

sekarang nie, to be exact, despite all of the esaimens,
things have been working out well for me (not until last nite)..
i dont see if there is exactly 'a problem' for me to actually whine about..

and now, that is the problem!
problems come in many ways,
and mine is, masalah itu dtg dalam bentuk kesenangan..
i dont mean to say that perasaan senang yg ak dpt itu satu masalah,
tp, sbb ak takut..kalau2 this is the real test!
kesenangan itu melalaikan,
kesenangan itu biasanya menjauhkan,
kesenangan itu mengabaikan,
kesenangan itu membantutkan air mata..
dan ketauhilah,
rasa senang itu bukanlah sebenarnya masa utk ak bersenang-lenang.

bila senang, aku lupa..
selalu lupe.. :(


kesenangan itu utk disyukuri,
mengajar kita menjadi pemberi,
bile senang ak terkadang lupe...
lupe nak sebarkan kasih sayangNya.
berkongsi nikmat Dia...

rasa senang yg diberi tu ak guna betul2..
guna elok2, xmembazir..
BUKTIKAN Alhamdulillah itu, bukan sekadar dalam ucapan.
dalam perlakuan jugak Syamim..

makan masa kat Tobruk. sedap!!!
rasa macam msia :)

so Syamim, count ur blessings, say ur gratitude, prove it in ur amal.

"Dan apabila Kami berikan kesenangan kepada manusia, niscaya dia berpaling dan menjauhkan diri dgn sombong; dan apabila dia ditimpa kesusahan, niscaya dia berputus asa" (17:83)

lagi satu

(39:8)- cek sendiri :)

sayangnya Dia pada kita, diberi nikmat dibalas kufur pula -_-".. nauzubillah.

p/s: 25 malam. setiap hari ak bukak calender sekarang..

-sama kes dgn sume previous posts, bile bace balek dari atas, i dont see the connection. xpelah eh, ak menulis ekot hati je ;)

-siapkan reflection microteaching, esok poster LST, khamis ade test, after tu.....

-time kaseh ya Allah sbb memberi yg terbaek selama ini ;)

-semoga urusan kebaikan kita dipermudahkan. amin ;DDD

Monday, October 24, 2011


oh angin, sampaikan rinduku padanya~

kenangan winter di featherdale zoo.

muke pasrah bila burung2 berak kat sweater :P
how i miss those moments. hehe

p/s: akak sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt rindu li. tetibe rasa xsabar nak balek!

-org laen, jgn jeles. i miss u guys too muahmuah

Saturday, October 22, 2011


angin bertiup membawa berita gembira,
hujan turun membawa rahmat ^_____^

mbekkk! Tobrouk Sheep Station :DDD


In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful...

baca pelan2..

to be in the 'happy circle' has really taught me a lot.
lot than i could ever imagine.
basahan hati yang ak tak pernah rasa sebelum ini telah membuka dan memberi ruang utk segala genap jenis, macam, rasa, ragam perasaan yg tak mungkin akan dikecapi seandainya ak berada diluar linkungan bulatan gembira ini..

sekecil2 persoalan dan perkara yg pernah ak anggap remeh lagi temeh dulu,
tak lagi sehalus dulu..
tak semudah dulu..
isnt it irony? nama bulatan gembira, but things seem to get harder.
and yes, that's the catchy part,
the rainbow comes after the rain sayang ;)

cthnya, isu kawan. ukhuwah. ukhuwahfillah.

dulu ak fikir, kawan is kawan. we make friends, we share problems bla bla bla
ukhuwah is like a little bit more than kawan, we have the bond. we share bigger problems etc
and recently i was just exposed with ukhuwafillah. and i believe that it's greater than 'ukhuwah without fillah' itself. it's like you're making friends just because of Allah dgn harapan kita yg kita boleh bangun berpimpinan tangan hingga ke syurga nnt ;)

see. see. can you spot the different?

bersahabat kerana Allah. kerana Allah.

teringat our last conversation.
i wasnt actually able to speak my heart out becoz of my weaknesses.
fahamilah ak byk sgt kekurangan.

kita nie bersahabat ade tujuan,
bukan suka2 lagi macam dulu...
bukan sbb nak berpoya2 je :P
we friends for benefit ;)

sebenarnya, my greatest fear right now is to be ur friend.
takut2 ak xmampu memenuhi cita2 kau, memenuhi expectation kau.
xmampu memberi rasa bahagia dalam persahabatan,
kurangnya manis ukhuwahfillah itu,
and as time passes by...
keburukan dan kekurangan aku semakin jelas,
kita tak naklah,
semakin tafahum, semakin benci - boley jadi kan?

i may be sound too negative,
but i cant help myself to be prepared and expect for the worse to come.
and just so you know sahabat, bila "tempoh masa" tu datang,
rasa tu mungkin hilang,
xpe. just say yes. dont deny it.

tp, selagi ada masa, jommmm!
jom kita sama2 :DDD
time kaseh Ya Allah for giving me the opportunity :DDDD
ade jodoh kita jumpe di taman syurga :D

errrr. maybe i talk too much. but i just need to! lol

p/s: susah hati ak dah terluah :D feeling slightly better.

- excursion, kambeng comel im cominggggggggg ^____^.

- sbb ak perempuan, lalu ak kompleks. muahmuahmuahh

- lagi 40 hari cemtu nak balek..T.T

Friday, October 14, 2011


this is actually a post i idid 2mths ago -_-"

reasons why i loveeeeee Auckland :)


Auckland was indeed a great place. meeting many lovely people over there.
credit to kak wani, kak siti, kak zue and naemah for their hospitality.
great, lovely, sweet people i must say.
i was also very impress with Baz ;)
i have the intention of making her my 'sort of idol'..
every words she's spoken is full of something, meaningful and really had me thinking..
maybe she doesnt talk nonsense like i do...?
every words are to praise Allah, so positive! optimist!
really wanna be one optimist girl ;)
learning i am.

i bring full pack of experiences back home from Auckland.
i had some thinking time on the way back from Rotorua to Auckland which took us 4 hours journey by bus.
lots of thinking, messing up my mind..haihhh
whatever, Alhamdulillah that at least i got a chance to go somewhere i wished when i was young.
yes, i did wish to go to NZ and play with those cute cows and sheeps.
but i didn't really get a chance to do so, that's alright. maybe next time ;)
ape2pun, Subhanallah, every scenery was like paintings!!!
amazing!! impress by Allah's creation.

'maka nikmat manakah yg kamu dustakan?'- Ar-Rahman

i have no other words to say.
except for syukran for these opportunities ;)

p/s: -huarghhh selamat malam sydney.

-ready for the war! yeahh. selamat berjumpe di medan perang esok. YOSH! semoga kita dapat merasai perjuangan Rasulullah dan para sahabat dulu ;)

-tambat hatinya.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


ehsan fesbuk

"mende yg menakutkan sekali tentang jarak ialah ak xtahu kalau mereka akan rindu atau melupakan ak ..." - direct translation

tahu tak, walaupun jauh sgt, xpernah jumpa pun, xkenal pun,
Rasulullah s.a.w tetap rindu kita. ingat kita.
disaat akhir kewafatan pun masih sempat lg

realitinya, bukan kita yg dilupakan, tp kita yg melupakan..

jadi, syamim dan rakan2 patut amek sikit (at least) dari masa kita,
setiap hari berselawat keatas junjungan baginda s.a.w...


-odd feeling.
-kalau dekat pun boleh rindu. Ya Allah dekatkan hati kami, selalu..
-kekuatan itu xmuncul tiba2. kita bina. bina sikit sikit pelan pelan. macam buat bangunan. taruk brick sikit2, lama kuatlah. keraslah :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

emo lol

org kata, kawan baek susah dicari..
dapat sekali jgn ditinggal..
NOW that i've found one,
im nvr letting go..

say hi to my bff :D

dulu ak benci dye! tahap supernova.
tp sekarang, i need it more than anything.
keeping it in my pocket all the time.
sbb selalunya, beliaulah penyelamat dikala rasa...
..nak headbanging
..nak jatuhkan diri guling2 dari tangga
..headdesk time tak esaimen :O
..nak gerudi gergaji atau menggunakakan peralatan menukul
..dan sebagainya ;P

tp, sebelum makan mulakan dgn nama Allah. Dialah yg memberi kita kesembuhan :D

p/s: okay update ini tidak punyai sebarang unsur2 faedah.

-ak xboleh dgr pktaan 'state of denial' coz im living in it. ak susah hati.. wuuuuu

-semoga urusan kami2 dipermudahkan. Ya Allah, satukan hati2 kami hanya keranaMu.

-off to class

Thursday, September 29, 2011


first thing first.
im not a good artist. a very BAD one.
so, just by looking at the images wont do any good.
you must read! read! lol pakse2 plak kann.

once upon a time. we thought we were happy.
we huhahuha. we went to the mall. we watched movies at the cinemas.
together with our so-called bff n bf..
and the world feels like 'ak yg punye'! muahaha

but then, suddenly, it feels like all we did yesterday was useless.
feels like WT? regret! like you've just hit a wall. you feel dizzy. you're confused!
you pretty sure, it's a WAKE UP CALL!

but, you dont know who should you turn to..., turn to Allah.
find some good friends.
friends that you can really called friends.
that always remind you to Him.
whom brings you to 'light' and 'hope'..

jom! semoga kita bangun di syurga nanti berpimpinan tangan ~.~

kehidupan didunia ini ibarat taman permainan.

owh disini saya ingin merakam sejuta penghargaan kepada sume kawan2 saya,
yg telah byk membantu :)
im not me without you guys..

p/s: i have no idea what's wrong with this line. its not even linked to anything.

-im sorry. im sorry. im sorry... i can make you happy no more wuuuuuu

-hujann..pls wash away my past...sigh.

-adek, akak pinjam sweater adek pegi chatswood tau ekekeke

Monday, September 19, 2011

figure myself

i cant figure out why..

why did i feel this way,
such soft-hearted i am nowadays,
must be the tarbiyah that leads this feeling,
i am now so overwhelming.

tears come and tears go,
but the heart has never get a chance to rest,
missing You every now and then,
but shows no prove my love to You.

desperate to change,
finding no way,
looking for a heart-mechanic,
again, astray..

i need a stronger support,
hard-core tarbiyah,
wider ukhuwwah,
to set my heart at ease, at least temporarily.

this one is taken somewhere: "tidak aneh hamba yg mencintai tuannya, tp sungguh aneh tuan yg sgt mencintai hambanya" -amr Khalid

p/s: Ya Allah, pls grab and grip my heart.

- ak ade rasa yg berat. berat nie! xpaham. can You make me strong? i know You will :)
- just a couple of months left.

- #np make me strong

Sunday, September 11, 2011

a thing..


speechless. i was indeed very very speechless.
not really sure what and how to respond at that time.
though she might be saying that with giggle and wide smile on her face..
im pretty sure she meant every single word!
even if you not, i still want to take it seriously.. lol
yeahh this is one serious matter.
how could i not know someone i should know?
it's complicated -_-"
errrr. pls accept my apology,
my bad.
i heard quite a lot of confessions about myself lately,
indirectly and some are straight to my face! *toinnng*
maaflah kalau dulu terjumpa tapi xtersapa hhuuu
kalau boleh ku undur masa,
tp tulah, macam mereka selalu ckp,
jam tuu jalannya ke depan, bukan kebelakang..

- im sorry if i did interrupt you with my questions...
- learning to accept criticism.
- empati ak tinggi skarang huuuuu
- no matter how big u think u're probs are, there's gotta be at least a way! mintalah pada Dia. you wont regret.
- miraaa! i heart you. know that you wont be reading this :)

nie hasil buat amanda last thursday.
wait for 2 more next week.
jb and pam. i heart u a lot lot lot lot tooo.

nite sydney!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


hari tu, ak berangkat ke suatu tempat.
jauhlah jugak pada pengamatan ak.
sempat jugaklah ak nak bermadah pujangga dlm 'notes ipod' tu.
kalo ade org baca dlm tuu, maluuuu.
bukanlah rahsia pun, cuma apa yg aku rasa..

at one time, we gonna feel lonely.
LOST. and ive been in that situation for quite a while.
i tried to fight the feeling,
i went out with my friends,
talking to ibu,
went out again just to see other people,
calling, twittering, facebooking, whatever social networking,
u name it. i tried everything.
but ended up, feeling even more astray...

and really, those things that i did never succeeded in satisfying me.
mungkin masalah hati. betul.
ak rasa ada masalah hati. ak sendiri xsedar! pergghh susah nya.
how am i supposed to overcome this?

they tell me:
pegilah baca Al-Quran, dengar pun okay!
buatlah solat malam.
pegilah ke majlis ilmu.
kawanlah ngan org baek2 cam ak (okay nie tipuuu)

p/s: nntilah, bile ade masa, ak nak transfer notes curhat monolog ak kat sini. biar satu dunia tauuu ape yg ak rasa! muahhaha

ak selalu ckp ngan kwan ak nie, nak berseorangan boley syg, tp jgn lame2. dgr cite, org yg nak sorg lame2 nie cam kambing yg terkeluar dari kawanannya, lalu dibaham serigala..ishh. kau tak nak kann? ;P

i realise that what ive been writing is not linking to one another. yeahh, that's my problem in academic writing too..bare with me plsssss.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


sbb tahun nie tak balek raya, lagi sekali...

maka, terimalah~~~ hihi

thank you cst for making a great vid!

i made this one a couple of mths ago..walau buruk, but i really mean it :)

im longing for her laugh,
missing her presence,
been away from ibu,
makes me feel unpleasant..

time flies by,
and i grow older,
should be getting mature,
but the childish of me becoming stronger.

i dont know what to do,
what am i supposed to be?,
every now and then,
im pretty sure i will always need you..

never good in handling problems,
feeling ashamed to let you know more,
help me ibu, i cant face it no more,
and thanks for listening ibu~~

LOL lots of love weeeee :)))))

P/s: learn to appreciate everyone~~

nmpak tetibe cam rajin update, xde keje.. the truth is, i will be deleting this blog. because everytime i see it, it reminds me of my zaman emo -_-" sungguh, ak x munasabah!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

tarik tali

*tajuk certainly has nothing to do with the entry. pardon for my 'lack of idea' ~.~


for everything. every single thing!
everyday has been great! great, people!
thanks to Allah~

Babah had safely discharged, yesterday! Alhamdulillah, wooohoo!!
thanks for all the du'a, friends :) very appreciate it.
Thanks for the solat hajat last time cohort :D
Only Him can pay ur deeds :DDD

p/s: babah. jagalah kesihatan ye :) again, mim doakan utk babah, ibu, abg fahan, dekli, ikin, sume2 lahh.

-seronok dapat ckp ngan babah! hihi

- pertama kali ade kawan yg bagi baju raya. gua terharu T.T thank youuuu <3

- setiap insan yg hadir dlam hidup kita nie, lame ke kejap ke, baek ke jahat ke, adalah hadiah dari Allah..i will make sure to treasure all the moments with everyone, each one of you. Indahnya ukhuwah, ruginya ak baru nak kenal. tp xpelah :) ukhuwah fillah abadan abada ;D

PEACE to everyone ^.^

Friday, August 19, 2011



dah smpai pun 10 terakhir Ramadhan :)
im so excited!
what are we waiting for??
grab all the chances!
and yes. Alhamdulillah again.
babah is getting better.
eventhough it's still gonna take a week, maybe, before babah is discharged.
im happy that you're actually feeling better. Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.
babah. dari jauh, syamim doakan yg terbaik utk babah :D
semoga diberi kesembuhan. semoga bertambah sihat. semoga selamat semuanya.
semoga cepat sembuh.

terima kasih Ya Allah.

p/s: for those who read this, do me a favour pls, doa kan ye! insyaAllah everything is gonna be alright :)

if you see me frowning, tegur and ask me to smile..tak mahu lagi berendam air mata :)

nite sydney.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


seriously, all these assignments are pressuring me. feeling down coz i dont think that i'll be able to cope with it anymore. tp, bile teringat duit rakyat terus xjadi down. So, GOOD LUCK!

i'll be okay :)

one of the song that i'll always listen to.
love the lyrics ;)

"I'll Be OK"

When everything is going wrong
And things are just a little strange
It's been so long now
You've forgotten how to smile.
And overhead the skies are clear
But it still seems to rain on you,
And your only friends all have
Better things to do.

When your down and lost
And you need a helping hand
When your down and lost
Along the way
Oh, just tell yourself
Ah, I'll be OK

Now things are only getting worse
And you need someone to take the blame
When your lover's gone
There's no-one to share the pain
Your sleeping with the TV on
And your lying in an empty bed
All the alcohol in the world
Could never help me to forget

When your down and lost
And you need a helping hand
When your down and lost
Along the way,
Just try a little harder
Try your best to make it
Through the day,
Oh just tell yourself
Ah, I'll be OK

You're not alone (you're not alone)
You're not alone (you're not alone)
You're not alone

Just tell yourself
Ah, I'll be OK
Oh, just tell yourself
Ah, I'll be OK
Won't you tell yourself

When your down and lost
And you need a helping hand
When your down and lost
Along the way,
Try a little harder
Try your best to make it
Through the day

p/s: selamat membuat assignments semua. esok microteaching! huwaaaaaaaa nervous!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


i've been subscribing to charlie long enough to make me fall for him ;P
and this latest video, come just in time:

but, seriously Charlie. it isn't working. i didn't stop procrastinating. i even write this post in the middle of doing my assignments. anyway, good advice.

p/s: i should just go to bed. nite sydney. nite Charlie :) hehe
love his beautiful accent~

Monday, May 16, 2011


ter-inspired dari org2 di fesbuk yg sgt gemar menge-post lagu2 setiap hari, i think it would be a good idea for me as i dunno what to do with this blog anymore.

so, this is the first song:

selalu dgr lagu nie kat iklan tv. best ;)
cheering me up, at least for now hehhehe

p/s: currently 'trying' to finish Journal C. microteaching is coming up :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011


everytime i start writing again, i must be saying something like
' it's been loooong since my last update'..

haihh, the reality is im not really into writing.
but thinking of leaving this blog untouch, xsampai hati ras
enye ;P

okay, i was still at denistone east school
until last thursday.
and this story happened in class 5C.

when somebody ask 'what do you want to be?' to school children,

typically, we'll get an answer like doctor! teacher! engineer! postman! fireman! bla bla bla

but Matt, answered 'i wanna be a good friend for my fr
iend, and a professional diver..'

i was like stop and taking time thinking about it.
oh, yes, how come i never thought of being a good friend before this?
and now i remember. i am nvr a good friend. oh, feeling sorry for myself.
losing so much bcoz of my bad attitude. guess that being a jerk is not easy.
but all in all, thanks matt for the reminder.
now, i know that i have that responsibility.
we don't just make friends for suka-suka,
but we do bcoz we need to. we complete each other.

but somehow, if she doesn't find herself in me anymore,
seeing her other half in someone else,
and needs me no more,
i will take a step back. slowly. really slowly. and gone in a blink!
sorry that im not enough for you.
cant make you happy.
good that we were friends once :)
forget me, ececceceh
im so sorry T.T
but, if you really need me one day.
i'll be there for you ;)

p/s: mungkin xde jodoh antara kita.
- utk mereka yg masih mahukan ak menjadi kawan, tanggungjawab mmg besar but i'll try my best.

ありがっとう。thanks for lending your ears.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ingin menangis.

what ive been feeling.

Ingin menangis.

Aku hanya ingin menangis,

membuang segala gundah yang terbeku di hati,

biarkan ianya cair.

Sendiri bersama diriku ini.

Aku hanya ingin menangis,

kerna aku yakin manusia tidak memahami

yang tersayang juga tidak akan mengerti

dari aku berbicara dan dipandang dengan seribu muka

aku hanya ingin menangis

sendiri bersama diriku ini

Titisan itu teman karib

buat yang terpencil di dunia ini

bukan semua manusia memahami semua bahasa

bukan semua yang disayang akan mencintai diri semula

Akrab hilang bila berjauh

yang wujud sentiasa hanya DIA

bicara berat hendak diluah

maka tangis adalah bahasa termudah

aku hanya ingin menangis,

menenangkan hati yang menggeletar,

biarkan segalanya mencair,

sendiri bersama diriku ini.

~Hilal Asyraf~



Dalam bilik, Irbid, Jordan

Anything For You

Puisi Ingin Menangis
