Sunday, February 28, 2010



stay with me.
just stay with me.

i need you guys especially.
stay with me.calm me down.
stay with me. thats all im asking.
coz im still the old me. the fragile me.
the 'cengeng' me.
i cant stop it..
its gotten worse everyday..
i wish i am a strong person, just like wat u think.
i wish.
hope for it to come true.
kawan2ku sayang =D

p/s: miss the good old days

Sunday, February 21, 2010



ak kan...kann..
dari tadi ngantokkk..

tp..smpai skang x tdo lagi..

i just had no idea wats happening around me.
i dont think im here.
i cant believe tomorrow is my first lect.
and i dont even have a note book!!

haaa..looks like 3 months of holiday is still not enough for me =(
haha. i once said that i miss to study like i used to, and now, i regret it..
im taking back my words..

syamim..tdolahhhh...nak kul 1 dah nie..haisshhh

p/s: ibu pesan..b4 tdo, maafkan sume org dan harap sume org maafkan kita...just think positive for tomorrow, at least... =D

Friday, February 19, 2010


hari ke 10 di sydney

strange.but it happened.ampun2..
i didnt have any intentions..
i tried my best..
maybe naseb badan..

everything happens for reasons.
be good syamim.
be good.

diri ini masih mencari hikmah dsebalik yg blaku.
mereka kata lupakan saja..
hopefully, bile bgn tido akan rase semalam seperti mimpi.
hanye mimpi ngeri yg mengada ngada =P

p/s: nyah ko..nyah!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

tak mahu lahhh..

salam again..

this is the second post in the same day..

ak xkire, ak nak jugak!!

org kate..kalo kite nak berazam kite kene sebar2kan..
supaya org sekeliling kita boleh sentiasa tolong ingatkan..
jadi ingatkan ak =)

ingtkan ak spaya
-- ak lupakan itu
-- ak xmahu ingat itu
-- ak xmahu fikir itu
-- ak xmahu tahu itu
-- ak xmahu dengar itu apatah lagi melihat itu
-- ak mahu cari yg lain..ahakkk =DDD
-- ak xmahu.xmahu.xmahu

faham x????

otak..tolonglah bsedia ngan kelas yg start next week.
badan..tolonglah jadi lebey kuat dan sihat
akal..tolonglah waras
anggota dan keseluruhan..tolonglah btindak mengikut akal yg waras

be glad if everything just run smoothly.



adakah anda tahu maksud pkataan tsebut??
rase nyer sume mungkin tahu apabila britney spears telah diwar2kan mempunyai masalah itu..

hi britney~
looks like we have the same problem!!

bagi yg xtahu, claustrofobia is a problem faced by certain people where they fear to shut and closed place. and this is what i've been facing here [in my new room].

it's been a while i've been sleeping with

the lights on [both room and toilet]..
open window..
open HOLLAND blind..and flyscreen??
kalo boleh nak bukak pintu -_-"

and im freezing to death in the morningMySpace

tolonglah..rase nak tido secara normal macam kat rumah where everywhere is a dark place.

haishhh.and one more thing, i dont think that my biological clock is working like usual..i think it sicks!


1- fakta britney itu adalah karutan
2- akan mengambil samsung jet pada hari ini--> weh, ak xtiru ko tau~
3-mohon mudahkanlah perjalanan ku di bumi org..jaga hati ku Ya Allah..

Thursday, February 4, 2010

drama ^~^


ini adalah satu adegan drama bersiri syamim & ibu sebelum ke sydney

satu malam.sebelum tdo. syamim btanya pada ibu...

bu, bu nangis x nnt time nak anta syamim??

ibu pun jawab,

xlah.bu mestilah x nangis. bu xnak nangis pun.

syamim kate, len sume nak buat drama, ibu tanak ke?? heheMySpace

sambil megusap2 ubun2 anak perempuan itu..[lalu kepala si anak tlentok dibahu ibu..eheh,drama betol!}

ibu pun balas,

kalo ibu nangis, mim mesti nangis lagi teruk.... lagi pun ibu kenelah kuat, kalo ibu x kuat, macam mane mim nak kuat =)

aiyaakkk..tanpa ragu2...
mate terus bgenang, meleleh, mengalir lalu tesembur.MySpace

sungguh xsangke ibu ckp cemtu..huwaaaa

p/s: takut menantikan hari itu. Ya Allah, kuatkan hatiku =DMySpace