Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Aiy Aiy....CAPTAIN!!!

off to work...
hahahahahahhahahaha first day of work~~
pity my big bro..looks like he has to wake up early now..
short hair-cut, no beard..everything must be CLEARed !!

he's not really working, bru nak praktikal
fyi, he got insomnia the night before ..i sympathize :(
besela..mcm2 dye pk smpi kol 4 pg tuh..

baju putih...sluar itam..rambut hmpir botak..cam askar r plak!! hak3

GOOD LUCK bro!! gambate~

it takes 3 months only maa..

Sunday, December 28, 2008

AUS kunun..haha

haha..reflection time!!!


dat day was the day when i supposed to watch AUSTRALIA but ended up with the movie ABOVE!!

disappointed!! holy unexpected!! i thought dat movie was supposed to be real COOL but it just wasn't!!

well, i think dat the movie was going a bit too slow and i dont really like it..
it reminded me of global warming -----> social studies!!

but..nseb bek r keanu reeves is the actor, terubat rase kerugian tuh..haha

one more thing...the cinema made me feel like living in the north pole..or, was it winter outside??
well, guess i never know..

love this bracelet~~cantek kan....xke??? hah??
my friend bought me this after the movie..
i think it's nice even cheap though..
(sorry to my friend, jk)

Friday, December 19, 2008


today, i've found out that my first crush already has a new girl....i mean, it's not like i dont know, but it's a confirmation for me...

her name is i**#h..well, i cant comment her coz i dont know her..but, she's a lucky girl, you know..
i cant deny that i'm not DISAPPOINTED..it hurts me...but not so deep anymore maybe because i'VE learnt to forget him..i'm mentally prepared for this..huhuhuhuhu

isnt it feel so good to know that he already has a new girl~
that's the inspiration for me to forget him even more..(ececeh poyo laa..hehe)

well, wish me luck.

Monday, December 15, 2008

jalan sesat..

the journey began when i agreed to go out with some of my friends to KLCC..
KLCC is just not my place~

firstly: i'm not used to KL central eventhough i've been there before( JUST ONCE haha)
secondly: i'm not used to KLCC and like i said i don't really like it there
thirdly: pegi mid kan sng.. nape nk g jauh2?? huhu

owhh. how i hate being there. everyone walked too fast! rushing..
as im not used to the place, i asked around and called my friend, 'WHERE IS PUTRA LRT??'
i just cant find it~ i hate it ..again!
i walked straight passing the putra gate when suddenly the guard called me and asked for my ticket..i feel so ashamed!!! that is so0 not me!! how could i not buy the ticket first??!!( to be honest, i dont know where they've put the ticket counter~haha)

the ticket machine
yg byk2 tuh..
but i was lost at putra not ktm

after i bought the ticket, i stick the ticket into the machine and just walked away from the machine soo confidently and continued sms-ing my friend..(do you know what went wrong??)
I FORGOT TO TAKE THE TICKET BACK!!!! owhh~ more shameful things!!
as i turned around, there was a guy who wanted to use that lane, ..so, i approached him (he looked very much confused and.. confused~).. he was holding my ticket!!.. and i went blushed after i took the ticket!! he is totally my type..so cute!!
( ADORABLE hehehehhehehe)
thank goodness that i didnt forget to smile and say thanks!


nope.not so many special thing, i guess....
well, the first moment i stepped in, no one was there waiting for me at roti boy..
so, i rushed to the center and phoned them..haha
GOTCHA!! they were all hiding behind me..


is where we spent most of our time, from 1pm-5pm
we laughed a lot!! just like in nona~(our hostel)

well, thats us!!
the headphone, is actually to get us the feeling in ISS




finally, there end my day.......

Saturday, December 13, 2008

seeing is believing

i just watched THE EYE!! acted by Jessica Alba ( i like her sooo much!!)
WOW!! is the word~
yeah2.. i know it's and old story but, hey! it's fun!!
it's scary, full of suspense and........urmmmmmm( i can't find the word..)

Sydney is a blind girl since she was 5.
her trust that SEEING IS BELIEVING has overwhelmed( I think so..)
but now, she's gone under an eye surgery and she can see..
the thing is, she sees 'things'

well, actually she thought that she goes through what was the eyes donor went through..
but it's not!!! the donor, a Mexican, tries to give her clues so that she can save people..
she dreams a lot of things that are just unbearable, unthinkable and so much pain and agony!!people think she's crazy!!
from here, she starts to think that SEEING IS NOT BELIEVING
poor ALba~huhu

at last, she saves people from a fire...the fire that she dreams of
the fire has caused her blind again..
but, this time she is happy with her life and live her life to the max!!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ade ape dgn tarik lahir??

this is a tip to flirt someone based on their birth date~ i got this somewhere on the internet.. ENJOY!!

1hb - Si dia berjiwa seni dan gemar bersantai sambil memenangkan fikiran. Ajaklah si dia bersantai di persisiran pantai. Di samping itu minta si dia memainkan satu lagu dengan petikan gitar ataupun tiupan seruling khas untuk kamu. Tentu si dia terfikir kamu mempunyai citarasa yang sama dengannya. Kira sesuailah tu!

2hb - Kamu boleh mengharapkan pemberian sejambak bunga ataupun teddy bear kerana si dia berjiwa romantik. Di peringkat permulaan, si dia kelihatan malu-malu kerana takut dikecewakan. Apa kata kalau kamu menganggap si dia sebagai teman rapat dahulu. Manalah tahu selepas itu cinta akan berputik pula ..

3hb - Sikap si dia sukar diramalkan. Maka kamu harus bersedia menghadapi sebarang kemungkinan. Si dia gemar melancong atau berkhemah dan ini membuatkan si dia kekurangan masa untuk bersamamu. Apa kata kamu berkongsi minat dengan si dia. Barulah kamu dapat memahami sikap si dia.

4hb - Kurang berkeyakinan dan takut mencuba sesuatu yang baru. Hah! Senang saja caranya. Apa kata setiap kali si dia bercadang untuk melakukan sesuatu perkara, kamu berilah sepenuh sokongan dan galakkan padanya. Katakan yang si dia mampu untuk melakukan perkara tersebut. Dengan semangat yang kamu berikan itu pasti si dia rasakan hanya kamulah teman setianya.

5hb - Selalunya si dia gemar memendam perasaan. Walaupun menyukai seseorang, sukar baginya berterus terang. Cuba perhatikan tingkah laku si dia terutamanya bila bersamanya. Kamu juga boleh menunjukkan tanda-tanda kamu menyenanginya untuk membuatkan si dia tidak ragu-ragu untuk memiliuh kamu sebagai pasangan. Tak salah kalau kamu yang mengorak langkah dulu!

6hb - Si dia umpama magnetik. Semua orang sukakannya. Ringan tulang dan bersedia membantu sesiapa yang bermasalah. Walaupun si dia mengenalimu tetapi tidak mempunyai sebarang tanda-tanda dia menyukai kamu. Apa kata kalau kamu cuba berkawan dengannya lebih rapat lagi dan sentiasa bersama dalam keadaan susah ataus senang. Mungkin si dia akan terus tertarik padamu. Siapa tahu!

7hb - Cepat panas baran dan mudah mengeluarkan perkataan yang tak sepatutnya
dilafazkan sehingga menyinggung perasaan orang lain. Adakalanya boleh menimbulkan persengketaan disebabkan sikapnya itu. Jika si dia dalam mood yang baik, apa kata kalau kamu mengeluarkan pendapat supaya si dia mengubah sikapnya itu. Rasanya si dia ‘makan’ nasihat

8hb - Si dia agak pendiam dan menyukarkan kamu untuk mendekatinya. Si dia hanya berbicara jika kena pada topiknya. Baginya buang masa saja kalau berbicara soal yang tidak berfaedah. Dengan ini, kamu perlu bijak untuk memancingnya dengan topik-topik yang tip top agar si dia tahu yang kamu seorang yang berotak!

9hb - Seorang yang pandai mengambil hati dan penyayang. Tapi awas! Ramai gadis yang mengejarnya. Maknanya kamu mempunyai ramai saingan. Apa kata kalau kamu menceritakan masalah yang kamu hadapi pada si dia. Si dia pasti menolong kamu punya. Cara ini boleh merapatkan lagi hubungan antara kamu berdua. Ok le tu! Kalau tiada masalah, ciptalah! Sesekali takpe…

10hb - Seorang yang jujur, berterus terang dan akan beruasaha
mendapatkan apa yang diinginnya. Si dia mudah disenangi orang sekelilingnya dan kamu pula harus pandai mengambil hati si dia. Salah satu caranya ialah kamu sering bertanya khabar dan mengambil berat ketika si dia sedang murung

11hb - Mementingkan kerjaya adakalanya sampai lupakan kehidupan sosial. Apa kata kalau sesekali kamu mengajak si dia menemani kamu menhadiri majlis yang dianjurkan oleh teman-teman. Katakan pada si dia, janganlah terlalu memikirkan sosial kerja dan dia juga perlukan rehat yang cukup. Kerja .. sampai mati pun tak habis!

12hb - Lebih bersikap sederhana. Tidak suka memikirkan hal remeh temah, Bagi mereka yang penting adalah kerjaya dan soal masa depan. Untuk menambat hati si dia senang je, seseorang itu harus belajar bersikap sederhana dan tidak terlalu mengongkong. Sempoi dan jangan tercaring-caring…

13hb - Tegas dalam membuat keputusan. Mungkin kali pertama
mengenalinya seseorang ini cepat merasa bosan. Namun yang pasti jauh di sudut hati, mereka ini memang jenis yang penyayang walaupun bukan dibuktikan dengan kata-kata. Nak tackle? Jangan terlalu manja dan belajar hidup berdikari tanpa mengharapkan pertolongan orang lain

14hb - Berjiwa penyayang dan sukakan kanak-kanak. Ada ciri-ciri bapa mithali la ni. Si dia juga mementingkan keluarganya. Apa kata kalau kamu berpelung mengenali keluarganya, belilah jiwa ibu bapa dan adik-beradiknya yang lain. Apa yang penting kamu mesti berjiwa penyayang bukan pada dirinya saja tetapi seluruh keluarganya.

15hb - Suka memendam rasa. Mungkin di wajahnya mengukirkan senyuman namun di hati siapa tahu? Bagi kamu yang memang semulajadi manja dan caring, amat sesuai untuk mereka jenis ini. Yang penting, sebelum mengeluarkan kata-kata tapis dulu agar hati si dia tidak tersinggung.

16hb - Garang! Walaupun garang adakalanya dia mempunyai sikap yang romantik dan penyayang. Tapi awas! Jika kamu tersilap langkah mungkin kamu akan dimarahinya. Tak hairanlah lelaki jenis ini amat sukar untuk didekati. Untuk mendekatinya, seseorang itu haruslah bersikap lemah lembut dan pendiam

17hb - Lembut. Sekali pandang mungkin kamu menggambarkan si dia jenis yang lembut. Namun sebenarnya mereka juga seorang yang tegas dalam membentuk keharmonian sebuah perhubungan. Nak tahu bagaimanakah cara untuk mendekatinya? Senang je … ambil berat dan jangan ambil peluang di sebalik sikapnya yang lembut.

18hb - Berkebolehan melukis dan kreatif. Banyak menghabiskan masanya dengan hobi ini. Apa kata kalau kamu memintanya melukis potret kamu. Tentunya kamu terpaksa berjam-jam lamanya untuk si dia menyiapkan potretmu. Time nilah kamu kena maintain ayu!

19hb - Mudah tersinggung dan agak manja. Si dia akan suka sekiranya kamu melayannya seperti baby. Melalui lirikan dan senyuman manjamu sudah cukup untuk menawan hatinya. Bukan itu saja, kamu juga kena selalu memberinya kata-kata puitis padanya. Jiwang karat le pulak!

20hb - Tenang dan bersahaja. Adakalanya jika menghadapi situasi yang mencemaskan, riak wajahnya akan tetap tenang tapi tidak hatinya. Kamu juga perlu bersikap tenang tapi bukan hipokrit yek! Ia takkan membantu kamu untuk memikat si dia. Kamu perlu bijak menyelami hati si dia untuk mengetahui rahsia yang disembunyikan itu.

21hb - Sering bersikap ‘moody’ tapi masih boleh dikawal. Tapi si dia gemar bersantai di kafe-kafe sambil mendengar muzik rentak perlahan. Kamu hanya perlu tahan dengan sikapnya sekiranya mood si dia berubah. Bagi kamu yang jenis sempoi dan tak kisah amat sesuai untuk mereka yang bersikap moody .

22hb - Agak emosional dan sukar mengawal perasaan. Tetapi jiwanya mudah cair dengan pujuk rayu seseorang agdis. Ini bukan bermakna kamu kena pujuk rayu pada si dia. Jatuhlah maruah, beb! Tapi kamu kenalah lemah lembut dan sopan santun bila berhadapan dengan si dia. Kontrol ayu!

23hb - Seorang yang agak ego, moody dan mementingkan diri sendiri. Si dia juga mementingkan kawan-kawannya. Walaupun adakala sikapnya itu membuatkan kamu makan hati, kenalah kamu ertahan kalau benar kamu sayangkannya. Nak tahu bagaimana hendak menawan hati si dia? Senang saja, apa kata kalau kamu masakkan makanan kegemarannya. Gerenti hit punya!

24hb - Seorang yang takut menghadapi kekecewaan mungkin disebabkan kisah silamnya. Kamu tentunya tidak mahu si dia menganggap kamu seperti kekasihnya yang sebelum ini pernah melukakan hatinya, jadi kamu harus membuktikan yang kamu lain dari yang lain. Misalnya setia dalam perhubungan jangan pandang lelaki lain ketika bersamanya.

25hb - Happy go lucky dan gemar berbuat lawak. Kan beruntung kalau kamu pun bersikap begitu. Bertambah ceria lagi perhubungan kamu nanti. Tapi kalau kamu tak pandai buat lawak, baik diam saja. Kang jadi lawak bodoh pula. Haru!

26hb - Si dia adalah seorang yang mudah dipengaruhi. Jangan terkejut jika si dia mempunyai koleksi kekasih. Si dia senang ditawan tetapi banyak rintangan yang terpaksa dihadapi. Si dia meminati gadis yang berkarektor dan tahan lasak. Apa kata kalau kamu mengajak si dia melakukan aktiviti lasak seperti payung terjun. Pasti si dia menyukainya.

27hb - Walaupun nampak brutal tapi sebenarnya berjiwa sentimental. Kamu pula jangan cuba mengambil kesempatan ke atas dirinya kerana ia akan mengubah kepercayaannya terhadapmu. Kamu juga perlu melaksanakan janjimu sekiranya berjanji dengan si dia

28hb - Si dia suka memerintah. Teruslah macam ni. Kamu perlu tahu mengawal perasaan kamu sekiranya si dia bersikap begitu terhadapmu. Apa kata kalau kamu mengikari arahannya dan katakan padanya mengapa kamu berbuat demikian. Manalah tahu dengan cara ini, dapat mengubah sikapnya itu

29hb - Seorang yang gemar bertukar-tukar pasangan. Renungan manja kamu dapat mencairkan si dia. Namun apa kata kalau kamu buat-buat jual mahal dan tentunya si dia ingat kamu ni jenis yag susah nak di tackle. Tentu dia rasa tercabar dan akan cuba mendekati dirimu. Apa lagi …

30hb - Seorang yang boros berbelanja terutamanya ‘memekapkan’ kereta kesayangannya itu. Rapati dirinya dan kalau boleh beri nasihat supaya dia mengawal perbelanjaan dan simpan duit untuk masa depan. Tentu dia terfikir kamu seorang yang merancang untuk masa depan

31hb - Gemar bergaya dan mementingkan penampilan. Si dia juga sukakan gadis yang berpesonaliti. Kamu? Kenalah mengubah penampilan. Kalau selama ini kamu gemar berpakaian sempoi, kenalah ubah stail. Lebih up to date dan trendy

done?? you better read them all~ mane lah tau kalo2 mmbntu huhu

but, please!! don't really trust it..it could be wrong..

ape lg?? renung2kan dan slamat beramal ^_*

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

:: kendarat ::

fuhh~ i'm so tired, just came back from atiq's place at batu pahat.
i was supposed to be the guest but despite being a guest i was 'promoted' to be one of the kendarat.. (kendarat= people who helps during the wedding day)
it was the most tiring moment for me since the school holiday starts..
me, nisa and tika have to do the dishes, served other guests, pack stuffs into bags(kerepek and etc), panaskan lauk after the wedding was over and sooooooo many things...urmmm maybe not so many but it was very tiring but still, i enjoyed myself.

we tried to spare some time with a baby named RAZIn (not to mistaken this razin with razeen in my cohort). Razin he is soooooo cute. he is only 3 months and he is so nice..he didn't cry a lot and totally different from nisa's niece, FARHANA, which i always called her with the wrong name, FARZANA..LOL

i really don't know how to hold a baby..i found it's quite hard because i have to make sure that the baby's head is right on my arm. LOOK HOW BAD I WAS. RAISIN(raziN) looked very much uncomfortable in my embracement. huhu. got to practice some more.

take a look at the hantaran:

very simple yet still look very nice..
just have to tie ribbons and everything is ready
yeahh!! the pelamin (bridal dais) too..

simple, rite??
look at all the green apples(hanging on top of heads)..yummy

unfortunately, when we want to go back to MeLAKA to send nisa back to her home, we missed the bus. huhu..we were supposed to ride a 12.45pm bus INSTEAD OF 2.45pm bus..this is all because we were lepak-ing inside the bus station and reading comics..

well, at the end of the day, all of us felt very happy and satisfied
with our journey from KL-MELAKA- BATU PAHAT..
it's worthy

Tuesday, November 25, 2008



currently, I'm listening to T.I song - WHATEVER YOU LIKE
somehow i just know the existence of WEIRD AL YANKOVIC..
he is hilarious *~*..i told you~ he changed songs and make it like a crap but
hahahaha it is just so funny..

just look at some parts of whatever you like that he changed

Baby, you should know I am really quite a sweet guy
When I buy you bathroom tissue, I always get the 2-ply

Yeah You like my Hyundai?
See my Hyundai?
I can take you to see your cousin
Phil next Sunday
But that’s kinda far and I’m not ma
de of cash
Do you think you could chip in for gas?
Mac and cheese would
be all right
But let’s send out for pi
zza tonight
And you can order any toppings you like (If You Like)
I said you can even have the last slice (Last Slice)

Ran myself a cable from my neighbor next door Now I can get free HBO And baby
you can watch whatever you like (If You Like)

I said you can watch whatever you like (If You Like)


the song is pretty ridiculous and it sounds silly too..but do enjoy it

so, here's the link to the song and the lyrics..

Thursday, November 20, 2008


You'll know when you miss someone very much,
when everytime you think of that person,
your heart beats faster.
and just a quick warm 'HELLO' from that person calms you down...


you might have fallen for that person, it's just you do not realise or refuse to admit it

haha..this is what i feel right now~(*o*)
i've fallen in love!!! what a nice feeling~~~it's absolutely a feeling that no one can get away from especially us teenagers..hurmm, i wonder if a 19 still considered as a teenager?? it's nearly an adult age, right?? huhu

okay, it's all about me now *P
hurmmm, how do i start this....LOL

what do you feel when you read the extract above??
well, for me it's all bout love...........to your crush..
love that is unanswerable...
love which is very close, yet still very far..huhu

hahaha i'm not going to write a poem,
not even a good poet or near to it..
well, i just received that 'quick warm' hello from my crush
and that makes me FLY~~~~~~lol
i wonder if he knew bout my feeling??..
i would be so embarrassed then
even thinking bout him has made me blushing ^_*
i just can't explain the feeling..but i guess everyone knows it, right??
everytime i receive a text message, my heart throbs.
i wonder who is it from but at the same time hoping that
it would be from him..
sadly, it wasn't always from him.....huhu
but i don't mind, coz he is only a crush of mine
and he wouldn't be mine. NEVER.

well, up till this age,
i still don't have a boyfriend...
it's not that i don't want but i still waiting for the right person..
my friend, mira, she used to say that

"if we don't try, then we will never know if he is the one or not"

yeah, i know it's true.. very true but...
i just can't help it..

haha..mira too
she got the same problem..
if she doesn't like him, he will be rejected.... straightaway!!!
she's meaner than me!! hahahaha

well, i guess i better cut the crap right now
before it get worse..hihi



this is crush by david archuleta

I hung up
The phone tonight
Something happened
For the first time
Deep inside
It was a rush
What a rush
'Cause the possibility
That you would ever
Feel the same way
About me
It's just too much
Just too much

Why do I keep running
From the truth
All I ever think
About is you
You got me hypnotized
So mesmerized

And I just got to know
Do you ever think
When you're all alone
All that we can be
Where this can go
Am I crazy
Or falling in love
Is it really
Just another crush

Do you catch a breath
When I look at you
Are you holding back
Like the way you do
'Cause I'm trying, trying to walk away
But I know this crush
Ain't goin' away
Goin' away

Has it ever crossed

Your mind
When were hangin'
Spending time girl
Are we just friends
Is there more
Is there more

See it's a chance
We've gotta take
Cause I believe
That we can
Make this into
That will last
Last forever


afterall, crush is actually different from falling in love~
we just need time to discern it..

Friday, November 14, 2008


goodbye sister

i have always love you
when we were younger
you would pretend that i wasn't your sister
why did you do that
i just tried to love you
i was always there for you
and whenever you needed me
when they put you away
it was me who cried for you every night
cause i missed you
and i didn't want you in there
i wanted you home where you belonged
i would always try to make you laughed
whenever your eyes were full of tears
i would never hurt you like you're hurting me
you were my sister and no longer
you wont try or even care
so this is goodbye
i don't know why you hate me so
but that doesn't matter now
sorry for everything i did
and i didn't....

this poem is made by Rebekah from Family Friend Poems...but i edited some parts of it :0

well i'd love to dedicate this poem to my
lil' sis syikin..
you've been such a great sis to me..
you used to be nice,
but somehow you're changed....
i don't know what or who has changed you or~
maybe it's me myself that has changed..
i hope that we could be like before :)

I'M GONNA LUV.....muahxxx

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


watching madagascar with my friends is one of the best moment for me in ipp....

actually, it wasnt because of them ;p but it was because of the exam just over!!

i'm glad that its over rite now..but still, i got to think of many things eg: will i be passing the exam?? will i be able to continue my studies?? and when will i get a boyfriend??!! haha jk

hurmm..talking bout boyfriend has reminded me to one of my friends question..

i had to choose a set of numbers which determine my LOVE~ personality..

oh well, i cant recall other sets except mine...

7501- it means that i have a feelings to someone and i still keep it a secret from him

it wasnt supposed to be true but it is exactly the way i am.. i wonder how it works~

haha~ lets get back to madagascar..

what do you want to know bout the story??

overall, i really like the story.. it is humourous but at the same time the elements of family relationship and friendship are there in the movie..

it was A COOL movie and very

suits for kids.. enjoy


i'm rookie here~

hey guys..

dis is my first time doing this kind of stuff and i admit that i am no good at it..haha

but, let this small baby step be the first chapter of my new life..hopefully~