Tuesday, November 10, 2009



everyone i know has got a reason to say
"can u put the past away.."
(lagu ape ntah)

arghh!!! susah nyer nak decide.

can somebody call 911~~ and help me to decide

banyk nyer keputusan yg perlu diambil recently..
bukan senang!
kalo salah buat pilihan, im a dead meat!!

burppp..haha kenyang plak [beselah, kat umah sntiasa kenyang]

tetibe teringat one of the lectures..
women like to be given choice.

but it leads me to this..

do women really know how to make decision??
do we know how to choose??
i mean, it's troublesome somehow
especially when it comes to masalah hati dan perasaan,
women can be a way toooOO emotional and irrational.

our decision is influenced by the surrounding and EXPERIENCE..
ExPerience had taught me many things.
YOU had taught me many things.

and because of you&theexperience,
im afraid to move on my life with YOU,
coz i might be having the same experience over and over again.
tapi..at the same time,
im thinking.............
wat if im giving myself another chance??
looking at things in a brand new perspective..
guess it's not really a bad idea, huh??

but..wat if i regret?
hanya TUHAN yang boleh tolong..

p/s: can i put the past away??
hey, im not saying dat girls cant make decision, i just wonder if they're gud at it..

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