Saturday, December 19, 2009

curi fesbuk

hah! ak copy sebijik2 from fesbuk..haha


Syamim took the KAJIAN DR FADZILAH KAMSAH TENTANG SIFAT MANUSIA quiz and the result is MEI

Kekerasan hati & degil Kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi Pemikiran yang tajam Mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal Pandai menarik hati orang lain & menarik perhatian Perasaan yang amat mendalam Cantik dari segi mental & fizikal Tidak perlu dimotivasikan Tetap pendirian tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain Mudah dipujuk Bersikap sistematik (otak kiri) Suka berangan Kuat daya firasat memahami apa yang terlintas di hati orang lain tanpa diberitahu Bahagian telinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit Daya khayalan yang tinggi Permikiran yang tajam Pandai berdebat Fizikal yang baik Kelemahan sistem pernafasan Suka sastera, seni & muzik serta melancong Tidak berapa suka duduk di rumah Tidak boleh duduk diam Tidak punya ramai anak Rajin dan bersemangat tinggi Agak boros

turning 20 isnt as easy as i thought. hard enough for me as i suffered so many emotional injuries.. and i am hoping to get over everything on this new year. enough said.

well, about the kajian above.. i must say that most of it are so true! but it maybe just coincidence, rite?? turn over a new leaf, i decided to muhasabah diri based on the research lahh.

1.kekerasan hati dan degil
- hati ak mungkin sdkit keras [but people juz dun notice dat] and i blame all the rebellious kind of song dat i used to like..the lyrics, it affects the way i see the world and relationship the most. i was just too negative about certain things. ak percaye, kajian molekul2 air yg berubah mengikut apa yg dibacekan pd nye, and i believe humans' hearts are like that, like water. lembut yg didgar, maka lembutlah azam: kurgkan lagu2 yg tuuttt tuuuttt.

2. mudah marah bila tidak dikawal
-hah! ak mmg xreti kwal marah. tp, ak mmg xske nak cursing other people, it's not me..but i would curse when things had gone really bad and i had enough of it!..bese nyer sh*t lahh..sorry for all the sh*t i said guys.. azam:kuragkan carutan

3. perasaan yg amat mendalam
-i may be seen as insensitive by certain people, but i am really really sensitive actually. xcaye?? ask my mom..i could read people's mind and i do care what you think. spill it guys, im such a good listener [ade kaitan ke dgn perasaan yg amat mendalam??]

4. cantek dari segi fizikal dan mental.
-fizikal?? time kaseh! haha dan mental ak masih sihat =)

5. tetap pendirian tapi mudah dpengaruhi org laen.
-huh? xbape nak pham statement tsebut, sounds ironic..maybe dye nak ckp macam ak lah..ak nmpak cam tetap pendirian tp sbnrnyer ak ad konflik jiwe affected from the surrounding. hoh! pahe dop?? azam: be more responsible. i am what i think and how i act.

6. sistematik
-i can agree with this mase kat mrsm dulu..not now. no more. sbb ape?? i was tired of being so routine [btol ke ayat nie?]. ponat.bosang. kat maktab, my life was a total mess.not so messy but boley tahan serabot gak lah idup nie. huhu. azam: maybe i should be the old me. more organised.

Suka berangan & Daya khayalan yang tinggi
-sumthing dat i cant deny. i once told my friends that i have an imaginary friend and they said it's not normal to have an imaginary friend at this age! okeh.but trust me, im not crazy. azam: i should get more realistic! life isn't a novel that happens to have a happy ending =D

Kuat daya firasat memahami apa yang terlintas di hati orang lain tanpa diberitahu
-heh! juz like the third point. spill it bebeh! i know when u hide sumthing from me..hua3 wat a psychic [btol ke eje?] i am..

Kelemahan sistem pernafasan
-dulu2 time skolah ak mmg juare selseme lahh..time hujan jek, kene cover idung dulu kalo x mmg nahas. tesembur.bterabur. me myself xpaham knpa idung.bukan kepale?? tapi skang tidak lagi..heee..saya mengamalkan pemakanan sihat. vit C elok utk seleseme ye. orange!!

pnjg sungguh post kali ini. xpe teruskan

10. Suka sastera, seni & muzik serta melancong
-wohhoo..i like sastera! ini hobi tpendam. ak suke ES. wlapun jwpan selalu salah. seni. dis is my fevret subject although i have no talent, who care? i appreciate my own art. i used to be in art club tau..muzik?? my life. it lift me up and sumtimes crash me down. dgar lagu sdey tangkap leleh.geli nyer. melancong mmg suke. tp ongkos nya enggak ada dong.

11. Tidak boleh duduk diam
- walk to to walk.

12. agak boros
- agak?? ceh..i wanna make a confession of a broken heart over here: ak mmg boros. tp mak kate, kalo utk mkan, xpe..makan jek. so, i take it as a YES [year end sale] from my mom. ahhh.
azam: jgn boros sgt. blaja2 jimat.simpan duet nak kawen nnt.

so.dis is the ugly truth.muhasabah diri cam xjadik mengimbau memori adelah.

p/s: jiwe ak maseh kacau. so.kaco ak lagi.kaco lagi.


haziqaanes said...

aahh aku suke pos neh!
ko mmhmi ak, so xdnafikan...
yeh ak kne chek ngn dr fadzilah gak neh! hehe :)

syamizu said...

hoho. cek jgn x cek..
tp mostly mmg cam tepatlah!

sya mansor said...

betol laaa....

yg pasal pendirian tu kan, aku rasa contoh terbaik yg pasal cerita 'fobia 2' hari tu. hehe

syamizu said...

haha..hari yg tanpa arah tuju =)