Saturday, November 26, 2011


BFG -back for good

for many people, leaving oz would certainly means leaving some good memories, great friends and awesome life behind. after 2 years, there are just too many good things happened. and for some, overseas life is way better than home, tanahair.


some other people experience different things. life in overseas is not as great. looking at how others manage to handle their life well and their problem free look -like-faces are so stressing. forced to fake every smiles..some didnt even get much chance to go for a holiday somewhere else like others do. friends are not anymore friends here. feeling like everything turns upside down. everything is ruined. and BFG is like a moment they're waiting for a lifetime. and the only hope is for life to get back to normal. back to the way it is. just like last time.

coz our fates are different. we're not going to experience the same things. but life are meant to be challenging for everyone. maybe we feel so difficult right now for whatever reasons, but hopefully it'll change. it will certainly change. have faith in Allah. berprasangka baiklah dengan Allah, kerana Dia mengikut prasangka hamba2nya...Allahurabbi..


pls. someone pls buy my TV, fridge, washing machine, tables and all. pls T.T


Then which of the favours of Allah will you deny?

never. never feel less fortunate. coz you nver know what's inside me kehkekehkeh

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