Tuesday, February 14, 2012


dalam byk2 mende, apa paling susah??

utk ak, paling susah ialah sabar.
paling susah bila nak sabar dengan DIRI SENDIRI.
paling susah bila marah dengan DIRI SENDIRI.
susah. tgh fikir apa nak buat bila marah dgan DIRI SENDIRI?
rasa macam nak give up everything.

utk kamu sahabatku..maafkan ak. ini salah ak.

we need space, but we dont have space.
we need to talk, but feels like there's nothing to say.
we supposed to love, but we hate instead.
im staying away for a moment.
but i have doubt in it.
it could either help us to grow love or distance later..
we choose. we decide :(

"dont get mad, forgive instead"


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