Wednesday, May 30, 2012



jazakunallahu khairan kathira for all the nice and beautiful wishes for my birthday, everyone. it was indeed a reminder and also a force for me to be a better person at this time of age. huhu. 23 is quite a big number right? im feeling feeling it.. it feels like a huge stone is put on me. but im guessing the imaginary stone is never gonna beat bilal's ;)



i really miss macquarie :( this time it is as specific as macquarie and not sydney as a whole, probably because i spent most of my time there. hehe..i just really miss my route back from the library to baitul warith. to walk pass by the greens kat belakang library, rumah orang tua, the bus stop, woollies especially, every night in the cold.. really, i miss those moments. i would always walk out of the library and look up to the sky and kinda talk alone to myself while walking to gain some comfort. and occasionally, i have a cute friend who literally accompanied me back home or just through the phone :)..

emmm, im not sure whether i miss the place or the people..haihhh



im so disappointed right now. sgt kecewa T______T. it doesnt really end up well. T_____________T.

p/s: Ya Allah, ajarlah ak biar meletak harapan hanya padaMu :(


NuR _QudS said...


syamizu said...

wa, i miss baitul warith a lot..