Thursday, January 26, 2012

Salah faham

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

Misunderstanding? yes, happened all the time. And this time around it's about how wrongly i interpret the link between imaan and ukhuwah.

Like we always heard,

ukhuwah itu buahnya imaan.
(imaan membuahkan ukhuwah)

the analogy is simple. imaan is the root and ukhuwah is the fruit. If we dont have the root, good root, we dont get good fruit. easy right?

so, basically, imaan comes first!

the thing is, i have always thought that all the things i did are because of Allah which later i discover that NO. NO, i did not do it for Him but rather me using Him for the sake of something else for example, all the nikmat like ukhuwah..

can you understand me? this is so unexplainable in written form -_-"

i believe the cycle should go like this.
by knowing, trusting, believe and have faith in Him,
do as He said,
will eventually increase our imaan,
then, the reward of the imaan,
we'll get more friends that are just like us.
yg kita cintai dan juga mencintai kita kerana Allah.
solely because of Him
kerana Allah lah yg telah menyatukan hati2 kita :)
and the cycle goes on...

but, i misinterpret it to be this way...

i skip the step..
what have i thought??
dare to know the consequence? - kat bawah

where's the imaan then?
without imaan, we can never get the sweetness of ukhuwah.
manisnya persaudaraan sefikrah.
we cant skip the step..
it goes one by one..
the REWARD of imaan is ukhuwah.
it is a REWARD.
ukhuwah itu hadiah utk mereka yg beriman.
how can you be rewarded if you didnt do what it takes?

“Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman itu adalah bersaudara, maka damaikanlah di antara dua saudara kamu (yang bertelagah) itu; dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah agar kamu beroleh rahmat.” (49:10)

"Jaga diri, jaga iman, kerana itulah yg mempersaudarakan kita keranaNya"

Allah kata, "orang2 mukmin itu bersaudara", arakian, kalau ada masalah ukhuwah, check balek 'kemukminan' ada masalah ke tak. Bukan salahkan org ini org itu..-APG

somewhere i read: hadiah ukhuwah dari Allah ini mmg exclusive utk mereka yg bersahabat atas dasar iman dan akidah.

Tajdid niat. Luruskan niat. biarlah segalanya hanya kerana Dia. Bukan kerana dunia ini. As for me, my attachment to this dunya is just too strong, the chain is hardly detached! Astagfirullah.

consequence: im at down..
ye sebab i love them more than i love Him.
and that's wrong :(
im still learning. Mujahadah.
letaklah dunia ditangan
akhirat di hati..

this is just what i thought from my personal experience. could be wrong. pls enlighten me :)

doakan ak.

p/s: i know others wont understand this. that's alright. this is my problem -_-", iman ak yg compang camping, iman ak yg lelah, iman ak menjauhkan kita. pls forgive me.

Tajdid niat.

1 comment:

syamizu said...

when i said i skip the step, it barely means, i didnt do as He said properly, acuh tak acuh and not solely because of Him. More because of me. Selfish.