Wednesday, March 21, 2012



ive been reading this article about love and space.

"You have a chance to create space that will impress yo

ur friends and family. You can create a space that requires lots of cleaning and up keep or a space that people are afraid to move in, or you can create space to…

dance, laugh, picnic, love, cuddle breathe, stretch, think,feel, be.. "

2 different people could have been given the exact same kind of room, but they could never create the same atmosphere. they could have decorated it the same, but the feeling of going into each room is not gonna the same. just like looking at twins. they may be the same, but they're different.

in the end of the day, we choose what to show to the people, for them to feel.

botanical garden auckland

p/s: how do we portray ourselves? #random

how do we celebrate differences? #sorandom

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